The Official Lockdown Countdown For Cyclists


How to capitalise on the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown and engage frustrated cyclists with the tantalising prospect of riding with friends again? Even better, was there an opportunity to position one of our clients in that conversation generating awareness and valuable backlinks in the process?

That was the challenge we set ourselves. Our solution:, the official lockdown countdown for cyclists brought to you by leading UK cycling insurer and Freeride client, Pedalsure.

Following release of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown we knew cyclists up and down the country would be counting down the days until group rides could resume once more, until cafe stops were back on the agenda and cycling trips abroad could be booked. A simple, one-page website with a catchy domain was the key to creating something shareable between cyclists and linkable for publishers. With subtle branding in Pedalsure’s house style and a link back to the client’s website too.



Coverage and backlinks from leading online cycling publications, thousands of page views and users and countless shares on cycling WhatsApp groups throughout the UK. A great example of a cost effective ‘quick-win’ idea for the client.


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Oliver Attinger